我们正在研制一颗彗星 走 夏季系列. 一定要 注册我们的时事通讯 for announcements of upcoming 社区教育 programming. | |
All Comet 走s and Talks are free and open to the public. |
Upcoming Comet 走s - check back for summer programming
03/25/24 Navajo Bridge: Challenging Nature's Barriers to Transportation 与Tom Martin (Comet Talk)
02/05/24 Discovering the Wild, New World of Wildfire Tech 与阿里尔·斯特朗(《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》)
01/29/24 南太平洋的考古学 与达德利·加德纳(《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》)
12/04/23 从巴克穆特回来了 with Wyatt Johnson and Matthew 赫南多 (Comet Talk)
11/06/23 我们的科学世界观 与Duane Ray (Comet Talk)合作
10/23/23 1857年的犹他战争 与达德利·加德纳(《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》)
10/16/23 Brave the Wild River with Melissa Sevigny (Comet Talk)
10/02/23 Antarctica - Ice Age Continent with Wayne Ranney (Comet Talk)
09/18/23 托莱多蒸汽汽车历险记 与Brian Blue (Comet Talk)
07/26/23 纳瓦霍大桥纪念牌 与Kern Nuttall (Comet Talk)合作
04/24/23 莎士比亚与歌舞伎 马修·赫尔南多(《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》)
03/28/23 透过时间的透镜 与约翰·凡卡特(彗星谈话)
03/20/23 Stagecoach站 与达德利·加德纳(《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》)
01/30/23 布莱克梅萨和鲍威尔湖铁路,由Al Richmond介绍
11/07/22 Excavation and Restoration of a Fremont Granary 与达德利·加德纳(《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》)
10/11/22 参与立法程序 与Avery Xola (Comet Talk)
9/28/22 史上最伟大的比赛 马修·赫尔南多(《99499威尼斯安卓版下载》)
6/23/22 詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜 和杜安·雷 (2022 Summer Learning Series)
6/22/22 精神健康 & 自我保健 with Kathy Farretta (2022 Summer Learning Series)
6/16/22 公开水域游泳 with Mitch Driebe (2022 Summer Learning Series)
6/15/22 亚利桑那州的内战 with Kathy Farretta (2022 Summer Learning Series)
6/14/22 班克斯涂鸦 和杜安·雷 (2022 Summer Learning Series)
6/13/22 制作HOPI R2:艺术 & 工程 with Samantha Honanie, Duane Koyawena, and Joe Mastroianni (2022 Summer Learning Series)
6/13/22 讲故事 with Larry Hendricks (2022 Summer Learning Series)
4/28/22 骑自行车101 金·奥斯汀和马丁·因斯
4/5/22 易:生活 & 活力 和杜安·雷
3/2/22 人如其食 博士. 安德里亚·哈伯德
2/23/22 活生生的黑人经历 与哈拉之家
2/9/22 Archeological Evidence of the 1885 Chinese Massacre 达德利·加德纳
1/20/22 查理·布朗的美国 博士. 布莱克·斯科特·鲍尔
11/17/21 The Ways We Speak, presented by Deaf Specialist Kimberly Minard
10/21/21 史前的生活方式, presented by visiting scholar 达德利加德纳
10/6/21 抗癌的生活, presented by Executive Director of Northern Arizona Cancer Support Communities Cindy Payne
9/14/21 天气的奇迹, presented by NAU Assistant Research Professor Michael Erb
4/22/21 焦虑的自我催眠, presented by Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Medical Support Specialist Craig Meriwether
4/6/21 莎士比亚与性别, presented by Flagstaff Shakespeare Festival Executive Director Dawn Tucker
2/25/21 Funding our Future; Financial Wellness for Millennials, Gen Z, and Beyond, presented by Certified Money Mentor Ashlee Binderim
2/11/21 破解大脑的科学, presented by Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Medical Support Specialist Craig Meriwether
1/25/21 Grand Muse, An Exploration of the Grand Canyon through Art, presented by CCC Visual Arts Lead 教师 and Curator of Fine Art Alan Petersen
12/08/20 The Art of Science: Behind the Scenes of Parched: The Art of Water in the Southwest presented by Julie Comnick and Jane Marks
12/02/20 Preserve and Protect: Archeology's Role in National Parks 由Amy Schott主持, 博士学位, Lead Archeologist for Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Rainbow Bridge National Monument
11/03/20 Doing Our Part: Maintenance of Northern Arizona Ecosystems,由肯·海德主持
10/06/20 Understanding Homelessness: A 社区 Lecture,由Ross Altenbaugh呈现
9/01/20 Worst Case: Wilderness Survival in Northern Arizona, 由肖恩·尼特曼主持
3/10/20 How Far: Myths and Facts of our Night Sky with Nat White
2/25/20 Distinctive Archaeology of the Colorado Plateau 达德利·加德纳
2/10/20 Close Encounters of the Animal Kind, an ASL-friendly talk with Alan Cartwright
2/04/20 健康 and Wellness in the New Year with EVOLVE Flagstaff
12/09/19 - Holiday 健康: Cultivate Wholeness Through 自我保健 ,由凯特·凯里主持
12/04/19 - Navajo Mountain Treks- A Photo Journal,由乔治·哈登介绍
1/12/19 - Cultural Appropriation: A Conversation About Ownership and Appreciation ,由Samantha Honanie介绍
11/12/19 - A Look Back at the Navajo Generating Station ,由NGS员工提供
10/22/19 - Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad: The People Who Built It ,由达德利·加德纳主持
10/18/19 - Flagstaff 墨西哥领事馆 (Flagstaff Mobile Mexican Consulate) , Presented by The Honorable Jorge Mendoza Yescas
10/18/19 - Defying Stereotypes: My Journey in 工程 ,由吉纳维芙·本纳利主持
09/09/19 - 美国政治部落主义 ,由博士主持. 马修·J. 赫南多
06/10/19 - 从没想过你能演喜剧? ,由Joe Maniglia介绍
05/01/19 - 在环太平洋地区四处摇滚 ,由博士主持. 达德利加德纳
04/16/19 - Archaeology in New Zealand: "A Look at Prehistoric/Historic Sites" ,由博士主持. 达德利加德纳
04/12/19 - 墨西哥领事馆 ,以西班牙语呈现
04/08/19 - Flagstaff Economic Vitality Division Update , Presented by Trace Ward, Heidi Hansen, Dave McIntire, Barney Helmick & 盖尔·杰克逊
03/11/19 - 伟大的家庭秘密:“哈利·胡迪尼” ,由乔治·哈登介绍
03/11/19 - 美国内战: "The Stonewall Jackson Story" ,由斯科特·沃尔默主持
02/14/19 - 火山之夜 ,由Kurt Yuengling主持
01/14/19 - 《离开海军:一个返乡的故事 , Kevin Scholler主持
12/10/18 - 圣诞老人银行大抢劫案 ,由比利·史密斯介绍
11/14/18 - Tribe and the Failure to Bring Our Veterans Home , Presented by Joe Bulls and Aaron Rizzieri
10/26/18 - 墨西哥领事馆 , Presented by representatives from the Mexican Consulate in Phoenix
10/08/18 - Fourth Street Connection to the Moon Missions , Kevin Schindler主持 Video
09/10/18 - 圣地亚哥之路的象征主义 ,由拉里·亨德里克斯主持 & 特雷弗威尔克
08/13/18 - 疯狂蘑菇 ,由雷切尔·埃德尔斯坦介绍 Video
07/16/18 - 几个世纪以来的计算机 ,由博士主持. 冈萨洛·佩雷斯
07/09/18 - 认识你堆肥中的虫子 ,由梅琳达·麦金尼主持 Video
06/11/18 - 声音、指纹和眼睛扫描 ,由博士主持. 冈萨洛·佩雷斯
06/07/18 - 美国内战 ,由斯科特·沃尔默主持
05/14/18 - Todos森 ,由布里安娜·贝拉斯科提出 Video
04/09/18 - 斐济:多元文化的天堂 ,由Lisa Doskocil主持 Video
03/29/18 - 快马邮递 ,由大卫·拉莫斯主持 Video
03/12/18 - 吃饭的故事 ,由Derik Yellowhair介绍